Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reference for Information:

Apple Inc. (2019). AirPods. Retrieved from

If you’re wondering how long Air Pods can last during a day, here is your answer. Air Pods are really easy to recharge. They are recharged via a charging case, which can be put in your pocket or in your bag and takes no space at all. Air Pods can last more than 24 hours with the charging case. They can provide you with up to 5 hours of listening time, and up to 3 hours of talking time- all this on only one charge. Another advantage is that if you charge the Air Pods in the case for only 15 minutes, they can supply you with 3 hours of listening and 2 hours of talking- great if you are in a rush and didn’t have time to charge them!

Reference for Image:

Chris Velazco. (nd). Retrieved from

“Hey Siri, do I have access to you via my Air Pods?” The answer is YES. You don’t need to access your phone to have access with Siri. Just by saying, “ Hey Siri”, Siri would be accessible. You can ask Siri to check how much battery your Air Pods have by saying, “Hey Siri, how’s the battery on my Air Pods?” You can also ask Siri to call a contact, to play some music, to provide you with the directions of a specific location, and to read messages sent to you. Moreover, Siri will not interrupt you if you are on a phone call.

Reference for Image: 

If you are wondering how Air Pods function, here is your answer. Air Pods are smart devices that know when you’re talking and when you’re not. They know when you’re talking due to “speech- detector accelerometer”, which works in coordination with a filter microphone to filter out all external sounds and focus just on the sound of your voice. Moreover, Air Pods know when you’re listening. “Optical sensors and motion accelerometers” work in pair to provide you with sound when Air Pods are placed in your ears. They also work in pair to enable the microphones during phone calls and Siri access. Air Pods work in the same way whether you put both or only one of them in your ears.

Air Pods are wireless; they feel and thus function when in your ears, and they pause when you remove them from your ears. You can connect them with all your Apple devices whether iPhone, Apple watch, MacBook, or iPad. They are very easy to connect to the Apple devices. For instance, they connect immediately to the iPhone and Apple watch. For the iPad and MacBook, just choose Air Pods in the setup, so that they would be connected. Moreover, Air Pods provide you with a high-quality sound, and a more stable wireless connections with the devices. So, you will enjoy your experience with Air Pods.

Reference for Image:

Apple Inc. (2019). Retrieved from

Are you bored of your earphones? Are you tired that every time you need your earphones, you have to unwind them from each other- and this takes forever! Are you tired that when you wear your earphones, you are limited with your space since the wires are hanging there? If you are fed up with these tiny problems that can ruin your day, Apple has got a solution for you. The brand-new Air Pods will make your life easier. This new technology is wireless, which will free you from the wires’ problems, will also keep you connected all the time, and will provide you with a better sound quality.

References for Images: